
Happy New Year 2020

Happy New Year! If you have visited our site or called us recently, please know that we have been out on Christmas/New Year Break. If you have visited our website recently, or you find your self visiting right now, here is some news for you. Our offices reopen on Monday January 6, 2020 at 11 a.m. and will have regular counseling hours hereforward. If you have called during the break and left a message, we have tried to return each and every call and either speak with you directly, or we left a voicemail. We are also planning to call each of you back on Monday as well to follow up with your concerns, and to get some of you started with us at Journey to Hope.

Our website has some very helpful information about how to get started with us. Take a look at the New Client Tab for more information on getting started. We will also be starting our Anger Management Course again on Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 6 p.m. as well as our GRACE group for girls on Thursdays. Please go to the tab on Groups and you will find information on both of these January groups.

January is always that month in our lives where we get a new start, a new beginning, a brand new year. Our prayer for you is that you will have hope for all the tomorrows of 2020, and it would be an honor for us to journey with you along the way to hope this year. Look to hear from us on Monday, or call us at 540-479-1661. Blessings, Susie

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Monday Mornings and New Beginnings

Good Morning. How do you like Mondays? I think that the beginning of every week is always the hardest. Starting over, and doing it all again, takes almost everything we have. Praying for you today to not give up, to remember that the beginning is always the hardest. Hang on to Hope, and before you know it, it will be Friday! Blessings, Susie

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Summer Vacation at Journey to Hope

Hello. Sending out a reminder that we are on Summer Vacation this week (July 15-19) and the Journey to Hope office is closed. If you need to reach out, please email or text and we will respond as soon as we can. Emails and texts will be checked once a day. You can be sure that all of you are in our prayers and we ask for yours as well as we take a week to rest, relax, travel and recalibrate. It has been truly beautiful so far. We will reopen Monday, July 22nd. Blessings, Susie


Snow Day January 14th 2019

Good morning. We woke up to about 2 more inches of snow so the Journey to Hope offices will be closed today. We plan to reopen with normal business hours tomorrow, January 15th. I am working from home today, with FaceTime and phone sessions. If you need to reach me, just use the cell phone or email, and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Carlie is planning a normal counseling day tomorrow as well. Stay safe and warm and have some fun in the snow! It is too beautiful not to enjoy it! Blessings, Susie ❄️🌨☃️❄️🌨
