
Thinking About the Good Times

There are days in our lives that are so bittersweet; we are not sure which is stronger, the bitter or the sweet. Today is one of those days, as we let you know that our Carlie Galla will be leaving Journey to Hope. We have loved the journey with you. It took me a very long time to find a counselor that I was comfortable with being a part of Journey To Hope. The first time that we met I knew that we were kindred spirits, with a love for the Lord and a love for the people that God would send our way. That has proven to be so very true as I entrusted care for so many of the beautiful souls that have been and are a part of Journey To Hope to you. We love you Carlie, and we pray God’s best for you, for Shawn, for Judah always. Sad and hard to let you go, but rejoicing for you. God has plans for your family that we cannot even imagine. You will be missed here.



From Carlie:

It has been just over five years since I began practicing at Journey to Hope Counseling, LLC. Journey to Hope has not only been a safe place for my clients, but it has also been a safe place for me. A few months ago my husband and I felt the stir to begin praying about joining some dear friends in Tennessee to plant a life-giving church. While there was every reason to say no; (jobs we love, a beautiful home we made our own, wonderful friends, and Shawn coming out of a season of battling cancer) we couldn’t shake the stirring. We felt that God was calling us to surrender our comforts for His calling.

My last day at Journey to Hope will be January 15th 2021. I will be spending the next month coordinating continuing care and conducting closing sessions with clients to ensure this transition is as smooth as possible.

I have been honored to be a part of the healing process of many clients over the past five years. Thank you for entrusting me with your stories. It has been encouragement to my soul to watch people walk through the hardest of times, and hold onto precious hope. You have impacted me more than you will ever know.

Thank you to Sharla, Michelle, and Rhonda for your support. You have made my job so much easier over the years as you took care of logistics so that I could focus on meeting the needs of my clients. I am also grateful for our quick but sweet conversations that always brightened my day.

And thank you to Susie and Andy who took a chance on a green, newly licensed counselor five years ago. Susie, I am thankful how God orchestrated our paths, and for the beautiful work we have done with clients over the years. Thank you for your wisdom, love and care; all of which has made me a better therapist.

My time at Journey to Hope has forever marked me, and I am better because of it. Thank you all again,

Carlie Galla

Important update to counseling schedules, in person appts and insurance

An update for all clients:

What an interesting and strange year 2020-2021 has turned out to be. I want to make sure that we are communicating with you how we are currently operating our counseling firm week to week. We are accepting new clients, but there is a bit of a wait for appointments. We are doing our very best to navigate our schedules with client needs each week.

Currently, we are coming in to the office 2-3 days a week, and 2 days a week are completely virtual. We are trying to keep the virtual and inperson counselng days complately separated.There is a separate protocol for coming in the office.  We still have to be very very careful as we have several family members in our practice who are immune compromised and we just have to be. So here are the requirements,  the protocol for coming in the office:



Please be aware that there is a different set of protocols for coming in person.


PLEASE NOTE THE SCREENING QUESTIONS below.  Be aware that it is more important than that you walk through the revised screening questions. 


You must be able to answer all of these questions with a very STRONG NO. If you answer yes to any of these questions, we must meet virtually. This means that we will have to reschedule your appointments.

  • Are you having any symptoms such as fever, coughing, aching, sore throat?

  • Have you tested positive for C-19 at any time since July   202q?

  • Have you been exposed to anyone recently who has tested positive? 

  • ️Have you traveled out of state within the past 14 days?


Instructions for your appt:

The office is now open on the days we are doing inperson appointments. We ask that you limit the attendees only to those coming for the appointment to cut down on the number of people in the lobby at any time.

 Please confirm and let me know your intentions about your appointment virtual or in person. Thanks.

An update for our insurance clients.

Most of the insurance companies that we are providers for have extended approval for tele-counseling through the October 17, 2021. With the current situations, It is quite likely that coverage will be extended until the end of year, 2021. We will keep you posted as soon as we know. Many of the insurances have done their best to try to accommodate any Clients who are immune compromised and have been more than  willing to cover tele-counseling and many of the insurance companies have waived co-pays as well . It is confusing for you and for us because every single policy is structured differently and comes under different guidelines regarding co-pays. We have tried our  best to navigate it for you, letting you know once we hear back from the insurance companies what your policy is currently doing regarding the tele-counseling and co-pay situation. We are very aware that this is a difficult time for everyone and we don’t want to make it any more complicated for you than it has to be. If you get a call from us on a Monday when we do the weekly charges that you are being charged for your co-pay that just means that we have had a notice that the insurance is only paying the amount of the visit minus your co-pay.

We are still coming in on Mondays and running the charges for the entire week, whether they be fee-for-service or your co-pays. We are really appreciative of how cooperative all of you have been with us as we’ve navigated this pandemic with our office.

We care about each and every one of you And it has been our privilege to journey with you as we navigate 2020, with all of its changes, ups and downs and uncertainty. 

Praying for each of you,
