
Anger Management january 2023

Our next Anger Management Class begins this upcoming Saturday, January 21st at 9 am Eastern. Our next class begins Saturday January 21, 2023,at 9 am.

We also want to note that we have change d the way we are doing our anger management course. We have now completed two offerings of our new way of delivering the course. It is 2 Saturdays, 2 weeks apart. The first Saturday is from 9 AM to 1 PM. Then you have two weeks between sessions to give you time to complete your workbook assignments, and we meet again and finish up from 8:30 AM to noon. You are still required to attend all seven sessions and you must complete all of your workbook in order for us to certify that you have successfully completed the course. However, we are hoping this will work much better for those of you who have demanding work schedules and find it hard to commit to a seven week class without having travel or family interruptions in the middle of it.

We offer Anger Management as a group class for our primary format of delivery. Although you can opt to go through the Anger Management course individually, please be aware that there may be additional sessions to make sure you get through all of the material. You can be assured that we will work with you to help complete the course by the dates you need to be finished.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! My husband, Andy, faithfully takes the train in every week to DC at just around sunrise. He has taken a few of the best sunrise pictures on those trips. He will send me a sunrise gift via text on his way. These two of my favorites remind me that God takes the beginning of each day to show us what only He can do, and that He specializes in new beginnings and making all things new, and they are beautiful and full of promise. My prayer is that you will remember and believe a few things about yourself in 2023 that will help you hold onto Hope.

'You are amazing, capable, and worthy. You are made new in Christ. You were not given a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind. You are more than a conqueror in Christ who gives you strength. You were created on purpose for a purpose. You are loved. You are chosen. You are enough.' Blessings, Susie💛

Journey to Hope on Christmas Break

Good morning! It’s that time of year when we are closed for Christmas Break. Your concerns are important to us. Although we are out of the office, Susie and Lyndsay will be checking voicemail, email and texts morning and evening during Christmas break, and we will try our best to respond within 24 hours. If you have admin questions for Michelle or Rhonda, we ask that you hold them until we are back in the office on Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023. All of us hope you have had a very Merry Christmas. God bless you all, Susie❤️

Speak Life

It has been way too long since we have published, but we are committing to a new beginning for the Journey to Hope newsletter. This month we are focusing into Speaking  Life into our relationships…our Marriages, our families, our workplace.  It is our prayer that some of these thoughts and suggestions will be of help where you are right now.  Our world pre, mid and post Covid has been way too negative and it time to begin to turn that around, especially in our day to day interactions. 

What do we mean by speaking life? To speak life means to give words of hope, encouragement, support, and love. Rather than words of criticism, contempt and correction. Those who purposefully choose  to speak life understand that the words we speak have consequences. When a witness testifies in court, his or her words may help decide a defendant’s future. Our words can affect the emotional and spiritual health of someone we care about. We ought to think carefully before we speak because our words have such power. Blessings, Susie 

Link to July newsletter:

Tis the Season

It’s the season for our office to be closed for Christmas break. We are so very thankful for each of you who are a part of our Journey to Hope family. Although we are on Christmas break, text messages/emails are checked morning and evening. Your concerns are important to us, and we will try our best to respond within 24 hours.

If you have a scheduling or billing question, we ask that you call us once we are back in the office after the holidays. If you have an appointment scheduled for the first week of January, you will receive a text confirmation either Saturday, January 1, or Sunday, January 2, 2022.

If you are interested in scheduling a first appointment with us, you can send us a message on our website, and we will reach out when we return to the office after our holiday break.

If you are having an emergency, we ask that you call 911 and get help immediately.

We return to regular counseling hours on the week of January 3, 2022. It is our prayer that your Christmas is filled with hope. Because hope is always possible. Merry Christmas. Blessings, Susie