I am currently reading a book by Dr. Tim Kimmel called In Praise of Plan B: Moving from 'What is' to "What Can Be'. That is a great title. And it is also very thought provoking. How many of you are having to live in Plan B because your Plan A fell apart, was shattered; no longer works - it is just not possible right now in this season of your life?
Counseling many times intersects with the beginnings of Plan B's in your life. It may seem that you are paralyzed with discouragement, or overwhelmed with the demands of life, or wanting a fresh start but feeling too afraid of failure to take the first step, or so shell shocked by betrayal that you have a hard time believing in you, so full of anxiety and fear about life that it is hard to find the way... and yet, God.
As we journey together in counseling, please know that finishing strong and well is still possible. God will be with us, and He believes in the hope and promise of Plan B in your life. Praying for you today.
In Christ, Susie