He Is Risen...He is Risen Indeed. Easter is full of things that are very hard to understand and accept. Charley Honey writes "It is a powerful mystery how people of faith can rise up from whatever beating life has given them – the devastation of divorce, the hell of addiction, the grief of a lost child – and proclaim their faith in the risen Christ and a good God." New life with its endless possibilities is within our grasp. Let us celebrate the resurrection. And that leads always to....hope.
Hope. The word speaks to the very heart of the Christian faith. It is no accident that our counseling practice is named "Journey to Hope." It is only because of today, Easter, that you and I can 'journey to hope' together. No matter what is happening in your life, there is hope. You can get through this storm in your life, no matter how painful with a faith made possible by this day. He is Risen, He is Risen indeed. Amen.
In Christ, Susie